Side Quests which reward V-Bucks in Fortnite stw
There are a lot of Side Quests and Challenges in Fortnite StW (Save the World). Some of them grant bacon, experience or other items and some reward you with V-Bucks. Challenges are repetitive for a few times. Progressing in the main questline grants new Challenges and Side Quests. Eventually, you will run out of Challenges and the V-Buck income from them is lost. Side Quests features finding Shielder data samples and completing Storm Shield Defenses up to level 10 after completing each area. Stonewood, Plankerton, Canny Valley and Twine Peak questline end after 6 Storm Shield Defenses leaving behind a 6 level Storm Shield.
List of all known Side Quests which grant V-Bucks.
- Lok’s Book of Monsters – Gather sample data of a specific type of husk in successful missions. Some reward you with V-Bucks.
- Lok’s Book of Monsters: Floating Freaks – Gather 20 pieces of Shielder Data in successful missions. 100 V-Bucks reward.
- Stonewood/Plankerton/Canny Valley/Twine Peaks Storm Shield Defense 7-10 (outside of Main Questline). 100 V-Bucks reward for each completion. 10th Storm Shield Defense of each area rewards 150 V-Bucks.
Repetitive Challenges
List of all Challenges which grant V-Bucks in Fortnite. Every challenge come in 20 stages, later stages need more work to be completed.
- Mission Accomplished! – Complete X missions. 50 V-Bucks are rewarded for each stage completion. Repetitive 20 times.
- Hold The Door! – Complete X Storm Shield Defenses. 50 V-Bucks are rewarded for each stage completion. Repetitive 20 times.
- Toxic Treasures – Destroy X Mimics in successful missions. 30 V-Bucks are rewarded for each stage completion. Repetitive 20 times.
You can earn total of 2600 V-Bucks over time just from the StW Challenges. Other challenges are “Eldritch Abominations” which grant an Active Powercell for killing Mist Monsters and “Leave No One Behind” which grant 10 Bacons and good amounts of Survivor XP for saving survivors.