Event Store
View current Event store tracking here!You can buy items including V-Bucks from the Event Store during certain events with the Seasonal Gold you earn after each successful mission. Event Store and Seasonal Gold were added in V.1.11 patch as permanent features.
You will earn Seasonal Gold based on the mission’s difficulty and Loot Chest’s level. Around 20 Difficulty Power level you will earn about 50 Seasonal Gold and on harder difficulty like 70 Power level it’s around 95 Seasonal Gold each mission. At the moment there is no daily cap to Seasonal Gold earnings! However, Seasonal Gold will reset between events.
The Event Section has items available for the current major event and the Weekly Section has new items to check out every week. The Weekly Section will continue to rotate but the Event Section will usually have items, but not always.

V-Bucks haven’t appeared in the Event Store since Survive the Holidays event.
Spring it On! Event Store
Opened February 15, 2018Spring it On! Event Store have various items on sale for Seasonal Gold, including Legendary Heartbreaker crossbow for 2000 Gold, Legendary Snuggle Specialist Sarah ninja, Legendary Zapotron, Mythic Wukong soldier, Legendary Shamrock Reclaimer outlander, Legendary Rabbit Raider Jonesy and more. New, Spring it On!-themed items will appear in the store throughout the event. Unfortunately, the Event Store doesn’t include V-Bucks at the moment and the Seasonal Gold will be reset after the event.
Mutant Storm Event Store
January 25 – February 15, 2018Mutant Storm Event Store have various items on sale for Seasonal Gold, including Legendary Hydra weapon Transform Key, Legendary One Shot sniper rifle and more. Unfortunately, the Event Store doesn’t include V-Bucks this time and the Seasonal Gold will be reset after the event.
Survive the Holidays Event Store
December 14, 2017 – January 25, 2018Survive the Holidays Event Store have V-Bucks on sale for Seasonal Gold, other items include Legendary Sarah Claus ninja, Legendary Ralphie’s Revenge sniper rifle and more. You can buy total of 500 V-Bucks for Seasonal Gold during Survive the Holidays event. V-Bucks are sold on packs of 10 and each cost 50 Seasonal Gold. At Canny Valley you will earn around 20 V-Bucks in the form of Seasonal Gold after each successful mission.