About Free the V-Bucks
This website is developed to help new and existing players to earn free V-Bucks. There is a lot of tasks where you get rewarded with free V-Bucks in the Save the World game mode, you can find the list on the home page. “Free the V-Bucks” is created and updated by me, iFeral with the help of the community. I’m a 28-year-old web and game developer from Finland. You can view all my games on my game development website iferalgames.com and follow the progress on my Twitter. Currently working on “Streamer Simulator” mobile game called Streamer Sim Tycoon. Checkout the streamer simulator game page for more information, the game is available in various stores like Google Play and Apple App Store.
Save the World mission tracking and store tracking is made by us. If you are interested in using our API services for your own projects, contact me on Discord!
How much V-Bucks can you earn in Save the World?
There is no direct answer to it but I tried calculating it here. It depends on how much you play and how quick you are. At the beginning of the game, you just need to advance in the story to maximize your V-Bucks earnings. Some people say that they have earned around 4000-5000 V-Bucks from playing Save the World for 2 weeks. Founder account is needed to farm V-Bucks. Be careful, Save the World is also super fun and addictive!
My Fortnite experience
My ingame name is “iFeral” and I play both Battle Royale and Save the World game modes. I spend most of the free V-Bucks earned from Save the World in the Battle Royale game mode. I have never bought V-Bucks and I currently have 40.000+ earned V-Bucks sitting on my account.
The data about V-Bucks on this website is up-to-date with Fortnite Chapter 5. If you find anything invalid, please inform me and we will get it fixed.
For all inquiries, please contact: support(at)iferalgames.com.
However, I highly recommend using the Discord Server!
Follow me on Twitter and other social medias! If there will be any V-Bucks giveaways, you will get the information first at Twitter!